The Corpuz Family
My father was the second of four children born to Demetrio and Juanita Corpuz. His older sister, Loida, still lives in the Philippines and is married to Virgilio Abuan. They have one son, Virgilio Jr., also known as "Sonny." Loida works as a teacher in one of the community schools.
My father's younger brother, Demetrio Jr., is known as "Monching." He and his wife Rhoda have a 23 year old son named Meynard and a 16 year old daughter named Camille. Monching is retired from the U.S. Navy and currently works for the County of San Diego, where he and his family live.
The baby of the family is Remy. She lived with her older brother Camilo when she first arrived in the United States, and she moved into her own place shortly afterward. She still lives in Oxnard with her husband Roger Sampang and their children Alyssa, Dale, and Dustin. She works as a nurse.
Demetrio passed away in 1996. Juanita passed away in 1988.
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My grandfather, Demetrio Corpuz, in his Navy uniform in the 1940s. |
My grandmother, Juanita Galvan Corpuz in a traditional Filipino dress. |
My dad and his older sister Loida in a picture taken during the early 1950s. |
My grandparents with Loida and my dad. I think my dad was supposed to get an award that day. |
My dad (right) and his younger (but taller) brother Monching in front of their fields. |
Monching (left) and my dad pose for another picture at their house. |
Monching holds on to the family bicycle while my dad poses for the camera. |
Several years later, in the exact same spot, my dad and my Uncle re-create the photo to the left. |
Meynard and I try to recreate the picture that our fathers took in front of the house in Pottot. I don't know why we're both looking up. |
Front to back: Jordan, Camille, myself, Meynard, my mom, Auntie Rhoda, my dad, and Uncle Monching at my grandpa's house in the Philippines. |
The Corpuz family at Uncle Monching's house in San Diego: Meynard, Uncle Roger, Auntie Remy, myself, mom, Auntie Rhoda, Jordan, Camille, and Uncle Monching. |
Visiting my grandfather in 1992: Auntie Loida, Sonny, Jordan, myself, Grandpa, mom, and dad. |
The Corpuz family gets together in Oxnard in 1994. Clockwise from top left: Meynard, Auntie Rhoda, Uncle Roger, mom, myself, Jordan, dad, Alyssa, Auntie Remy, Dale, Uncle Monching, and Camille. |
The four children of Demetrio and Juanita are reunited in 1998. Top row: Uncle Monching and dad. Bottom row: Auntie Loida and Auntie Remy. |
Back row: dad, Jordan, mom, myself, Uncle Monching, Auntie Rhoda (holding Alyssa), Camille, Meynard, and Uncle Roger. Front row: Auntie Loida, Auntie Remy (holding Dustin), and Dale. |
The Corpuz guys gather in Auntie Remy's backyard: Dale, Jordan, Dustin, myself, and Meynard. |