Erkki as a Teenager
The time in my life when I thought I was too cool for pictures
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The Corpuz family in 1990, during the wedding of Uncle Benjo to Auntie Luchie. |
Myself, PM, and Coco lying in the shade during our family reunion in Miami in 1990. |
Another family picture, taken in during the Tolentino family reunion in Miami, Florida. |
Nancy, April, myself, Marina, and Brian take a picture after graduating from junior high. |
Jordan and I playing whiffle ball in the backyard of our home in Oxnard. |
Barbra, Jordan, Raisa, Charles, Artie, and myself in Las Vegas on Halloween, 1993. |
Paul, Big Steve, Sierra, myself, and Ryan scarf down some food during senior breakfast, 1995. |
Ryan, Paul, Rolf, Sierra, Big Steve, Scott, myself, and Jonathan after graduating from OHS. |
Erkki Corpuz, Middle Linebacker, #51. Not exactly an All-American, but I loved to play the game. |
My senior portrait. Gotta love the ever-present crew cut hairstyle. |
The Corpuz family during Christmas, 1995. Don't I look thrilled? |
This picture was taken at Lolo Luis and Lola Salem's 55th wedding anniversary reception. |