Erkki as a Teenager

The time in my life when I thought I was too cool for pictures

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The Corpuz family in 1990, during the wedding of Uncle Benjo to Auntie Luchie.

Myself, PM, and Coco lying in the shade during our family reunion in Miami in 1990.

Another family picture, taken in during the Tolentino family reunion in Miami, Florida.

Nancy, April, myself, Marina, and Brian take a picture after graduating from junior high.

Jordan and I playing whiffle ball in the backyard of our home in Oxnard.

Barbra, Jordan, Raisa, Charles, Artie, and myself in Las Vegas on Halloween, 1993.

Paul, Big Steve, Sierra, myself, and Ryan scarf down some food during senior breakfast, 1995.

Ryan, Paul, Rolf, Sierra, Big Steve, Scott, myself, and Jonathan after graduating from OHS.

Erkki Corpuz, Middle Linebacker, #51. Not exactly an All-American, but I loved to play the game.

My senior portrait. Gotta love the ever-present crew cut hairstyle.

The Corpuz family during Christmas, 1995. Don't I look thrilled?

This picture was taken at Lolo Luis and Lola Salem's 55th wedding anniversary reception.


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